
Moisture in the Upcoming Harvest Forecast | Hoosier Ag Today
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Moisture in the Upcoming Harvest Forecast

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Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has some minor moisture moving through Friday in his Seed Genetics Direct Harvest Weather Forecast. He’s looking for a few hundredths to a few tenths, maybe half an inch on the top end in central and southern parts of Indiana, with coverage around 70% of the state.

“We follow that up with strong, high pressure for the weekend, though. So, any delay in field work for Friday is going to be gone for the weekend. Saturday and Sunday we’re looking at sunny, dry weather conditions. It’ll be a little bit on the cool side.”

Martin says next week starts with a big surge in temperatures and, “It’s going to be windy here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, particularly Tuesday. I think we do not see any precipitation all the way through that stretch. I’m pushing our next frontal boundary off just a little bit. So, very fast drying Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. You need to keep your foot on the gas and harvest, because we are going to be seeing a major pattern change once we get done with Wednesday evening.”

Halloween next week will not only be spooky, but it will also be rainy.

“I’m looking for next Thursday to pick up anywhere from a quarter to maybe one and a half inches of rain. The higher end of the rain range is all dependent on thunderstorms. So, if the thunderstorms rain themselves out a little bit farther west and north, which I think is possible, we’ll be to the low end of the rain range. But I think 80% to 90% of Indiana sees rain next Thursday.”

Martin is calling for a resurgence of rain to come overnight Friday night through Saturday, the 1st into the 2nd.

“Another slug of moisture is coming up out of Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. I think we can pick up another quarter to one inch of rain with 100% coverage there. So, we have significant moisture coming as we finish out next week.”

Martin will have those forecast details available in written form later Friday at presented by Seed Genetics Direct.