Improve Phosphate Efficiency and ROI with RhizoSorb


Last week in Kansas City for the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention, we learned about products to help increase your ROI for next year.

“At Phospholutions, our whole goal is to make phosphates more efficient, more sustainable, and more economical for growers,” says Craig Dick, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Phospholutions.

Their product, RhizoSorb®, is the next generation phosphorous fertilizer.

“RhizoSorb® 8-39-0 is a replacement for MAP or DAP, and so it’s a simple just pull the DAP out of your program and put in RhizoSorb or pull out MAP and put in RhizoSorb…We’re a simple replacement that improves phosphate efficiency.”

And he breaks down the dollars and cents of RhizoSorb.

“Currently, MAP is at an all-time high cost per unit of corn, so it’s very expensive. With RhizoSorb, when you replace your MAP, you should see about a 10% per acre basis cost savings, plus with a small yield advantage, the average grower will see about a $20 ROI per acre.”

If you’re interested in learning more, he encourages you to visit their website at

“There, you’ll find a grower savings calculator to see how much you can save on the farm. You can also download the performance report, seeing the last three years of history. You can also talk to your local retailer as we have distribution across the Midwest. So, ask for it from your retailer.”

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