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Deregulation Announcements, WOTUS Clarification Lead to Busy Week for EPA


Last week was a busy week for the Environmental Protection Agency.

“EPA will be reconsidering many suffocating rules that restrict nearly every sector of our economy and cost Americans trillions of dollars,” says EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin.

He said that last week during what he called the largest deregulatory announcement in U.S. history. The 31 regulatory changes include power plant emission standards and limits, greenhouse gas reporting requirements, and emission regulations for cars and trucks.

“Today the Green New Scam ends as the EPA does its part to usher in the golden age of American success,” Zeldin continued. “Our actions will lower the cost of living by making it more affordable to purchase a car, heat your home, and operate a business. Jobs will be created, especially in the U.S. auto industry, and our nation will become stronger for it.”

This announcement came on the heels of Zeldin announcing the EPA would be working to clarify the Waters of the U.S. rule, a years-long policy pain in the neck for farmers that has changed under each administration.

Courtney Briggs, senior director of government affairs for Farm Bureau says the news is not only welcome, but it also provides much needed course correction on a rule that had become overreaching.

“It’s really less about water and water quality. It’s more about land rights and the ability to use your land without having to ask the federal government for permission. So it’s a difficult task to write a WOTUS rule but I think they’re going to inject a lot of clarity and certainty and our members, farmers and ranchers throughout this country should be excited about this new announcement.”

Farmers have been waiting for updated guidance on WOTUS for nearly two years since the Supreme Court decision in the Sackett vs. EPA case.

Source: NAFB News Service