Dry Conditions Cause Decline in Crop Conditions, Enhanced Development

Dry conditions returned last week, particularly in the northern part of the State, though cooler evening temperatures helped to mitigate drought concerns, according to USDA NASS, Great Lakes Regional Field Office.

Most of the state saw precipitation levels well below average, and soil moisture levels decreased significantly from the previous week.

The average temperature for the week was 70.4 degrees Fahrenheit, 2.1 degrees below normal for the state. The amount of rainfall varied from none to 2.09 inches over the week.

The statewide average precipitation was 0.36 inches. There were 6.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending August 23.

Dry conditions affected most of the state last week, causing corn and soybean crop conditions to decline slightly from the previous week.

Despite the lack of rain, crop development progressed steadily, with the percent of corn dented remaining slightly behind the five-year average and the percent of soybeans setting pods just ahead of the five-year average.

The dry weather was ideal for hay harvest, and third cuttings were well underway.

Livestock were reported to be in good condition and enjoying the cooler temperatures, though pasture conditions suffered slightly from the lack of moisture.

Other activities for the week included fungicide applications, hauling hay, preparing equipment for harvest, and mowing roadsides.


Condition: 64 percent in good to excellent condition
Dough: 86 percent
Dented: 35 percent
Mature: 2

Condition: 66 percent good to excellent
Setting pods: 91 percent
Dropping leaves: 1 percent

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