Early Soybean Yields are ‘Phenomenal’ Across West Central Indiana

soybean harvest
Photo courtesy of the Purdue University College of Agriculture.


As Indiana’s harvest season begins, there are initial reports that Hoosier farmers are already seeing outstanding soybean yields.

“Harvest started off very slow, but this week with temperatures in eighties, we’ll be in full swing here through the end of the week,” says Eric Wornoff with Specialty Hybrids. He’s based out of Boone County north of Indianapolis.

“If I had to put a number to it, we’re probably two-and-a-half weeks behind where we should be on soybean harvest as well as corn,” according to Wornoff. “At early reports, guys are getting started and the yields have been phenomenal. We’re seeing some tremendous yields on some real pretty variable soils.”

He says soybean yields in his area are well above the USDA’s projected statewide average for this year of 60 bushels per acre.

Eric Wornhoff with Specialty Hybrids.

“The topography we’ve been following has been more rolling ground. Those yields have been anywhere from 62 bushels per acre to the mid-80s on yield averages on some pretty large acres,” says Wornoff.

As far as the corn harvest, Wornoff says there is still a lot of moisture in the crops.

“Overall, everything is very green. Corn that’s been shelled looks like it shouldn’t even be ready, but some of the guys are pulling off some 26-27 percent moistures and running it through the dryer. I’ve heard some as low as 23 to 24 percent, but there’s still a lot of corn out there that has a half a milk line to go yet before maturity,” says Wornhoff.

According to the USDA’s latest crop progress report, only two percent of Indiana’s corn has been harvested for grain, while one percent of the state’s soybeans have been harvested.

The update is sponsored by Specialty Hybrids. At Specialty Hybrids, it’s your field, our Specialty. Find your local field sales representative and dealer online at www.specialtyhybrids.com.


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