Hoosier Ag Today’s Eric Pfeiffer Featured on ‘Farming the Future’ Podcast Presented by Purdue Ag Week

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Hoosier Ag Today’s Eric Pfeiffer is the featured guest on the latest episode of the “Farming the Future” Podcast presented by Purdue Ag Week.

Hosts Abby Stuckwisch and Allydale Downey, who are both students at Purdue University, invited Pfeiffer as a guest on their podcast to talk about Ag Broadcasting. Pfeiffer discusses the importance of bringing the latest news and information impacting Indiana agriculture to farmers and ag business professionals.

Pfeiffer also chats with Abby and Allydale how ag broadcasting has evolved since the early days of radio and television and how Hoosier Ag Today has adapted to the ever-changing landscape of media.

In addition, Pfeiffer also shares his advice for students seeking a career in ag broadcasting.

Click BELOW to listen to the “Farming the Future” Podcast Presented by Purdue Ag Week—featuring Hoosier Ag Today’s Eric Pfeiffer as their guest.



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