A Tale of 2 Crops in Southern Indiana

A Tale of 2 Crops in Southern Indiana

headshots_0002_Emmert_DanThis year, Southern Indiana saw a lot of corn planted early and a lot of corn planted late. The two crops are developing much differently. Dan Emmert, DuPont Pioneer agronomist in Southern Indiana, told HAT the corn planted in late April is doing great, “The planting conditions were good, and the corn is showing good early growth and root development.” But corn that was planted at the end of May is struggling, “The soil was wet and we are seeing a lot of sidewall compaction.”  He added that dry conditions are adding to the stress on the early plants, “We are beginning to see a lot of floppy corn syndrome.”

Emmert says the later planted corn is struggling with the high temperatures we saw over the weekend, “The lack of a well-developed root system is causing the young plants to roll in this heat.” He  went on to say that if we have a hot and dry summer, this later planted corn will be under a good deal of stress.

But the early corn, with its better root systems, is starting to hit its stride, “As we get into the V5 and V6 stage, the plants are really starting to develop quickly.”

As for soybeans, Emmert says there are a lot of late planted beans in Southern Indiana this year, “We are still planting soybeans this week. With the wheat harvest set to begin shortly, we will move right from planting the first crop of soybeans to planting double crop beans.”

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