Dairy Checkoff Connecting to Gen Z Through Video Game Campaign

The dairy industry is preparing for National Dairy Month in June. One of the ways Dairy Management Inc. is celebrating is by targeting a new market: Gen Z.

According to Amy Warden, executive vice president of communications, these individuals are between 10- and 23-years-old and have spending power of an estimated $100 billion.

“Gen Z is transforming just about how every sector markets their products,” she said. “They are a highly savvy audience—one that exists almost entirely in a digital world. They are moving between multiple devices a day, multiple media platforms a day, and we know they’re really cognizant of whether companies and brands are doing good things for consumers beyond making money. They’re going to turn against products they think don’t match their values.”

This constant digital presence is a vehicle for them to hear opinions on what food is nutritious and not. Warden said there’s an increased disconnect between these individuals and where their food comes from.

“That leads to growing questions about whether dairy is good for the animals, whether it’s good for the environment,” she added. “That all adds up to making it really critical we make sure they understand milk and dairy has an unparalleled combination of nutrients, it is made with care, and we know it has a taste that can’t be matched.”

As a result, Dairy Management Inc. has launched it’s ‘Beat the Lag’ campaign to connect dairy’s story to that audience through video games.

“90 percent of Gen Z games, and it shows no sign of slowing,” said Warden. “It comes on the heels of some other game activations we did last fall that brought dairy farming and dairy farmers care of the environment to life through the game Minecraft. Now we’re using gaming to help reposition milk and dairy to meet Gen Z’s wellness needs. Human gamers can have their own lag, and dairy is the way to help them beat that.”

They’re partnering with YouTube gamer Jordan Maron, better known as CaptainSparklez and culinary and gaming influencer Rosanna Pansino, and offering prizes to their fans.

You can learn more about ‘Beat the Lag’ here.

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