310. Dr. Jaleh Daie on investing for humanity, emerging trends in agbioscience + farmer needs as the priority for the future

Capital and science – two key ingredients that are shaping the future of the agbioscience economy. Dr. Jaleh Daie, Managing Partner of Aurora Equity, joins us today to talk about the state of risk capital in agbioscience, the round trip we’ve taken in the last six years and how it compares to other areas of investment.  With Jaleh’s rich background in education and focus on science, what unique opportunities have been created for her? She talks doing good for humanity, trailblazing for women in science and seeing innovation through a scientific lens. Jaleh talks investment in agtech being in the “early innings” and big trends getting a lot of traction – including biologicals, gene editing and artificial intelligence (AI). Jaleh gets into digital and its potential to transform agriculture – from the farmgate to the dinner plate – and the opportunities to innovate in a tightening farm economy. She stresses the importance of understanding the needs of farmers and her excitement surrounding upstream innovation to create better margins and profitability for farmers around the world. 


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