335. Make Hay’s Scott Nelson on the power of storytelling + closing the gaps between farms, food and people

Food is the only economy in the world that touches every person on the planet. We are all connected to food, and one of the world’s top marketers turned entrepreneur is now making the connection between farms, food, and people. Scott Nelson, CEO of Make Hay, joins us to talk all things consumers and connecting to the meaningful world of agriculture. We get into:  The existing gap between farms, food and people – and the opportunity to leverage today’s media landscape to connect all three. His time at Panera and how it shaped his viewpoint on storytelling for brands. How Scott’s background brought him to Make Hay + what the company aims to do. Make Hay’s relationship with Purdue’s DIAL Ventures and High Alpha, and how it’s accelerating their business. Scott’s vision for Make Hay – creating content for food transparency at scale, consumer awareness and farmers at the center of it all. Where Make Hay is at today and what’s ahead. 


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