We think all our guests are special, but this one is extra special!  Harold Cooper rejoins hosts Sal Sama and Jeff Jarrett in the podcast room for this episode of The High Ground powered by Premier Companies.  You may already know Harold is the CEO of Premier Companies, but did you know he used to aspire to run for governor?  

Buckle up as Harold shares the story of how cooperatives were formed in Indiana, some of his leadership philosophies, and how being a student of military history has formed those philosophies.  You’ll learn about how Harold views the cooperative system and what it means that Premier is farmer-owned and farmer-controlled.  You’ll hear about the challenges of dealing with rapid changes and how, through the use of partnerships with groups like DIAL Ventures, Premier works to find new ways to make improvements for all stakeholders.  “When I think about what happens here and how do you guide and lead Premier, I first look back.  What was the character and the makeup of those that formed us?  …That should be enduring in my mind.”

lang="en-US"> DIAL Ventures, History of Premier, & Favorite Reads – Hoosier Ag Today
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DIAL Ventures, History of Premier, & Favorite Reads

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