Dr. Merle Holsopple is a former farmer turned family physician who serves rural and farm communities in Daviess County, Indiana. Join us as we talk to Dr. Holsopple about protecting the health and safety of the farming community, including prevention efforts like vaccines and facing complex challenges like mental health.

Purdue Extension is part of a national Extension network effort to provide trusted, reliable education about vaccines through the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement, also known as EXCITE. Visit https://extension.illinois.edu/vaccines/adult-vaccines to learn more about adult vaccinations and https://excite.extension.org to learn more about EXCITE.

lang="en-US"> Dr. Merle Holsopple – A Rural Medicine Perspective – Hoosier Ag Today
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Dr. Merle Holsopple – A Rural Medicine Perspective


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