

The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 12/18/24

On the HAT Podcast Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including what USDA is doing to help cattlemen with a particular pest problem and how to manage securing the best equipment for efficient farm operations. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin predicts more normal December temperatures returning, and Tuesday grains and oilseeds all sold off in a risk-off session. Andy Eubank has the closing numbers and Arlan Suderman provides market insights. It's all part of the #HATPodcast, made possible by First Farmers Bank & Trust - experience banking built on heart, grit, and agriculture. Visit FFBT.com to learn more or stop by your local branch to talk about your ag operation today.


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 12/17/24

On the HAT Podcast Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including Randy Kron staying at the head of Indiana Farm Bureau and we will talk crop insurance options for the coming year. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has a dry day in store today with less mild air, and Monday grains were mostly higher but soybeans had headwinds during the session. Andy Eubank has the closing numbers and John Zanker provides market insights. It's all part of the #HATPodcast, made possible by First Farmers Bank & Trust - experience banking built on heart, grit, and agriculture. Visit FFBT.com to learn more or stop by your local branch to talk about your ag operation today.

Hat Podcast Network

Gripp Ag, Agriculture Operations Tracking, & Scary Movies

“The farmer is struggling because they’re really dying the death of a thousand apps.”  On this episode of The High Ground powered by Premier Companies, Tracey Wiedmeyer joins hosts Jeff Jarrett and Sal Sama in the podcast room!  He grew up on a farm, and now Tracey is the co-founder and CEO of Gripp Ag, a company that creates mobile software to help growers scale their agriculture operations because of their operational data tracking.

Tracey will share about his career path and how he ended up connecting with Purdue University and DIAL Ventures.  You’ll learn what the acronym stands for and how a traditional venture fund differs from a venture studio and what their relationship is to venture fellows.  He’ll share how Gripp offers the ability to track operations, how growers are able to create training videos for their farming operation, and how the app has even been used to track diseases on apple trees.  


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 12/16/24

On the HAT Podcast Eric Pfeiffer and Sabrina Halvorson have the news including getting things done in farm legislation in the new Congress and should the monarch butterfly be declared a threatened species? HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has more rain in the forecast along with colder air, and Friday grain and oilseed markets all traded lower. Andy Eubank has the closing numbers and Brian Basting provides market insights. It's all part of the #HATPodcast, made possible by First Farmers Bank & Trust - experience banking built on heart, grit, and agriculture. Visit FFBT.com to learn more or stop by your local branch to talk about your ag operation today.


337. Purdue University President Mung Chiang on the AI revolution + demand-driven education driving impact

Global market intelligence firm, IDC, estimates that artificial intelligence (AI) will contribute nearly $20 trillion to the global economy by 2030 and represent nearly 4% of global GDP. Today we are joined by an AI pioneer, tech diplomat and leader of Purdue University, President Mung Chiang. We discuss:  

  • His journey as a three-time entrepreneur turned university president and how his experience has shaped his approach at Purdue 
  • Being on the cusps of the AI revolution, bringing new jobs to market and its elimination of old ones – and its potential to transform the physical world 
  • Balancing AI’s opportunity for productivity versus its potential to become an adversarial threat  
  • Connecting dots from the past to the future to develop job creation and prosperity in the state – and the critical role of agbioscience to make that happen 
  • Purdue has a top 5 college of engineering and a top 5 college of agriculture – and President Chiang talks about the university’s differentiation to drive big outcomes using demand-driven education  
  •  President Chiang’s eye on the future of Purdue and its continued service to Indiana    

HAT This Week

The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast for 12/14/24

On this edition of Hoosier Ag This Week: Farm labor has been an ongoing issue for the ag industry. Our C.J. Miller has an exclusive conversation with American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall, who says he’ll be pushing lawmakers on Capitol Hill next year to revise the H-2A Visa program to better meet the needs of the ag industry.

Beef is under attack again! This time, it's by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and their “scientific report” that recommends less red meat consumption. Eric Pfeiffer chats with Sigrid Johannes with the National Beef Cattlemen’s Association, who says the “report” is based not on science, but on a political bias.

You’ll also hear about a new program starting next year from AgriNovus Indiana that is looking to reward three top agbioscience start-up companies with $25,000 each.

All that—plus Brian Basting with Advance Trading reviews Friday’s grain markets. It's all part of the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 12/13/24

On the HAT Podcast Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including a preview of the new Purdue Crop Chat podcast focusing on nitrogen and finding new overseas markets for Indiana poultry. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin is forecasting a mix of conditions in the coming days including precipitation that changes to rain, and Thursday grain and oilseed futures trade mostly lower throughout the session before beans came back to even. Andy Eubank has the closing numbers and Karl Setzer provides market insights. It's all part of the #HATPodcast, made possible by First Farmers Bank & Trust - experience banking built on heart, grit, and agriculture. Visit FFBT.com to learn more or stop by your local branch to talk about your ag operation today.


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 12/12/24

On the HAT Podcast Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including Farm Bureau on plans to push for a fix for farm labor and what's next in the AgriNovus innovation challenge. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says the bitter cold Indiana temps won't be as bitter after today, and Wednesday grain and oilseed futures worked mostly higher but ended off the highs. Andy Eubank has the closing numbers and Tom Fritz provides market insights. It's all part of the #HATPodcast, made possible by First Farmers Bank & Trust - experience banking built on heart, grit, and agriculture. Visit FFBT.com to learn more or stop by your local branch to talk about your ag operation today.


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 12/11/24

On the HAT Podcast Eric Pfeiffer has the news including what the dietary guidelines have to say about beef consumption and what the NCBA reaction is. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin was right about the cold air moving in, but there is more yet to come. Tuesday corn futures got a bump from a favorable USDA December WASDE update. Andy Eubank has the closing numbers and Arlan Suderman of StoneX breaks down the report. It's all part of the #HATPodcast, made possible by First Farmers Bank & Trust - experience banking built on heart, grit, and agriculture. Visit FFBT.com to learn more or stop by your local branch to talk about your ag operation today.

Purdue Crop Chat

Purdue Crop Chat Episode 73, 2024 Research Review

Purdue Crop Chat is a regular podcast from Hoosier Ag Today and the Purdue University Extension Service, featuring Purdue Extension Soybean Specialist Dr. Shaun Casteel and Extension Corn Specialist Dr. Dan Quinn. It’s meeting season! On this episode, Shaun and Dan discuss some of their research from 2024 and what they’re talking about at meetings around the state.

This podcast is made possible by the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance. Your Indiana corn and soybean checkoff investments yesterday are paying off today. New research, new uses, demand creation -- bringing dollars back to the farm. Check it out at YourCheckoff.org.

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