

The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/16/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and Sabrina Halvorson report on news including a replant strategy for those who might need one and hoping to get more protection through trade agreements for crops like tomatoes. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says weather in the north will be a bit different than southern Indiana, and ag markets Monday were led higher by strong wheat and soybean futures. Andy Eubank has settlements and John Zanker provides the market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/15/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller report on news including a west-central Indiana planting update and reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on California's Prop 12. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says moisture over the weekend should be moving out as we start the week. Ag markets Friday were volatile after the USDA report. Andy Eubank has settlements and Brian Basting provides the market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast for 5/13/23

On the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast: Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says there is dry weather ahead in his Seed Genetics Direct Planting Weather Forecast, which is also brought to you by First Farmers Bank and Trust. Putnam County farmer and Indiana Corn Marketing Council President Paul Hodgen talks about planting progress in west-central Indiana. You’ll also hear reaction from the National Pork Producers Council on the Supreme Court’s decision this week to uphold California’s Prop 12. Plus, Brian Basting with Advance Trading reviews another volatile week in the grain markets—all part of the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/12/23

On the Friday HAT Podcast: HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says you’ll see rain and storms today and most of this weekend, but a pretty long stretch of dry and warm days next week to help with planting progress. You’ll hear more coming up in his Seed Genetics Direct Planting Weather Forecast—which is also brought to you by First Farmers Bank and Trust. Also, Elise Koning profiles a virtual workshop for women in agriculture that’s coming up called Annie’s Project. Plus, Mike Silver with Kokomo Grain talks about the recent trend of liquidation in the grain markets. That’s all coming up—on your Friday #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/11/23

On the HAT Podcast, C.J. Miller and Sabrina Halvorson have the news including the return of Bob Nielsen weighing in on early planted corn and a report on specialty crops in the farm bill. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says mostly sunny and dry again today but tomorrow that will change. Wednesday corn futures worked higher but the other ags sold off. Andy Eubank has settlements and Tom Fritz has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/10/23

On the Wednesday HAT Podcast: Eric Pfeiffer profiles the Churubusco Livestock Judging Team from northern Indiana and their chance for select members to compete next month in Scotland. Also, HAT's new contributor Sabrina Halvorson reports on the debate over SNAP benefits as part of the 2023 Farm Bill. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says it’ll be dry and warm over the next two—maybe three days in his Indiana Farm Forecast. Plus, Karl Setzer with AgriVisor explains the sell-offs in Tuesday's grain markets. That’s all coming up—on your Wednesday #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/9/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including a planting progress update and the important role of agriculture in the general economy across America. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has a mostly dry period coming up in the Indiana Farm Forecast, and the Monday grain and oilseed markets were lower in a directionless day. Andy Eubank has settlements and John Zanker has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/8/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including updates from the fields...a southeast Indiana planting update and also winter wheat progress. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says some showers are possible and a bit cooler to start the week, and the Friday grain and oilseed markets were very stout following the stock market and crude oil. Andy Eubank has settlements and Brian Basting has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast for 5/6/23

On the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast: Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says there are hit-and-miss windows for planting over the next ten days in his Seed Genetics Direct Planting Weather Forecast—which is also brought to you by First Farmers Bank and Trust. You’ll also hear from Decatur County farmer and Indiana Soybean Alliance board member Mike Koehne on planting progress throughout southeastern Indiana. Plus, Brian Basting with Advance Trading reviews the volatile week in the grain markets—all part of the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast!


Purdue Crop Chat Episode 48, How is Corn Planting Outpacing Soybeans?

Purdue Crop Chat is a regular podcast from Hoosier Ag Today and the Purdue University Extension Service, featuring Purdue Extension soybean specialist Dr. Shaun Casteel and Extension Corn Specialist Dr. Dan Quinn. On this episode, Shaun and Dan discuss Monday’s USDA Crop Progress numbers and wonder how corn is outpacing soybeans.

This podcast is made possible by the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance. Your Indiana corn and soybean checkoff investments yesterday are paying off today. New research, new uses, demand creation -- bringing dollars back to the farm. Check it out at Your Checkoff.org.

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