

The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/5/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including the new planting weather outlook and Chuck Conner talks farm labor issues on the farm. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has a mix of weather but warmer conditions taking hold, and the Thursday grain and oilseed markets were mixed and quiet. Andy Eubank has settlements and Mike Silver has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/4/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including the need for patience in planting plans this spring and the debt limit impact on the farm bill. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has some drying weather conditions to report, and the Wednesday grain and oilseed markets posted a solid session. Andy Eubank has settlements and Tom Fritz has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/3/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including a wrap up of the Indiana legislative session by Indiana Farm Bureau's Randy Kron and what NCBA would like from farm bill negotiations. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says finally a shift in the weather, and the Tuesday grain and oilseed markets followed stocks and crude oil lower. Andy Eubank has settlements and Karl Setzer has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/2/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including historical cold temperatures leading to concerns about replant of seed and an update on flooding along the Mississippi. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has more cold temperatures but maybe not as wet, and the Monday grain and oilseed markets were mixed with a solid soybean move. Andy Eubank has settlements and John Zanker has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 5/1/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including a planting update from Tipton County and what Purdue wants you to know as we begin Mental Health Awareness Month. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin tells us what to expect after a cold and damp weekend, and the Friday grain and oilseed markets turned around. Andy Eubank has settlements and Brian Basting has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast for 4/29/23

On the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast: Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says cold, damp weather will be keeping planters stalled in his Seed Genetics Direct Planting Weather Forecast, which is also brought to you by First Farmers Bank and Trust. You’ll also hear from a northern Indiana dairy producer who is this year’s Indy 500 “Rookie Milk Man” thanks to Indiana Dairy. Plus, Brian Basting with Advance Trading explains the short-cover rally in the grain markets on Friday and what led to seven straight days of liquidation for grain futures—That's all part of the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/28/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including a the new planting weather forecast and a precision ag bill in the U.S. House. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says cold and damp will be on tap for the weekend, and it was more liquidation in the grain and oilseed markets Thursday. Andy Eubank has settlements and Mike Silver has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/27/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and Elise Koning have the news including a preview of the new Soil Health Podcast on terminating cover crops and a preview of a new post emergent corn herbicide. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin tells us if it will stay dry and below normal, following the recent pattern. It was yet another most lower day for ag markets Wednesday. Andy Eubank has settlements and Steve Erdman has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/26/23

On the Wednesday HAT Podcast: You’ll meet Alex Neuenschwander—this year’s Indy 500 “Rookie Milk Man.” You’ll hear more about Alex and his farm Neu-Hope Dairy, as part of “The Dairy Download Podcast Presented by the American Dairy Association Indiana.” Also, Andy Eubank talks with a DEKALB Asgrow agronomist about planting progress along southern Indiana. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says the cool weather continues in your Indiana Farm Forecast. Plus, Karl Setzer with AgriVisor explains why liquidation has continued in the grain markets for a fifth straight day. That’s all coming up—on your Wednesday #HATPodcast!


The HAT Soil Health Podcast- Cover Crop Termination

It’s planting time, and that means it’s also time to think about terminating cover crops. On this episode of the HAT Soil Health Podcast, brought to you by the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative, Jamie Scott and Bill Johnson talk about scouting for and troubleshooting cover crop termination issues.

Jamie is a Kosciusko County farmer and Soil and Water Conservation District Board member. He’s been working with cover crops on his farm for more than 20 years and helps farmers across 100,000 acres with their own cover crops. Bill is a professor of weed science at Purdue University.

Jamie and Bill provide insight on chemical termination and what farmers should look for in their fields, as well as challenges to be aware of for 2023, watching the weather, and having patience in considering when to terminate cover crops.

The HAT Soil Health Podcast is brought to you by the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative. Learn more and see a schedule of events at ccsin.org.

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