The HAT Soil Health Podcast- Cover Crop Termination
It’s planting time, and that means it’s also time to think about terminating cover crops. On this episode of the HAT Soil Health Podcast, brought to you by the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative, Jamie Scott and Bill Johnson talk about scouting for and troubleshooting cover crop termination issues.
Jamie is a Kosciusko County farmer and Soil and Water Conservation District Board member. He’s been working with cover crops on his farm for more than 20 years and helps farmers across 100,000 acres with their own cover crops. Bill is a professor of weed science at Purdue University.
Jamie and Bill provide insight on chemical termination and what farmers should look for in their fields, as well as challenges to be aware of for 2023, watching the weather, and having patience in considering when to terminate cover crops.
The HAT Soil Health Podcast is brought to you by the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative. Learn more and see a schedule of events at ccsin.org.