

The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/17/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including stories on the blocking of WOTUS from taking effect in Indiana and we hear from the Farm Lawyer with details on avoiding swamp buster penalties. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has details on this very cold turn in the weather. The corn and wheat markets posted gains Friday. Andy Eubank has settlements and Brian Basting has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast for 4/15/23

The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast—Weekend of April 15-16, 2023:

1.) Eric Pfeiffer reports from Ag Week at Purdue’s campus as Purdue Agriculture spreads the importance of the ag industry with the rest of the university’s students and staff.

2.) Julia Wickard, Indiana’s Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service Agency is strongly encouraging farmers who experienced storm damage from tornadoes and storms two weeks ago to report those to her office as soon as possible.

3.) C.J. Miller talks with Indiana Congresswoman Erin Houchin about solutions for labor shortages impacting the ag industry.

4.) Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has your Indiana Farm Forecast for the coming week.

5.) AND Brian Basting with Advance Trading discusses the impact of recent corn export sales to China, as well as the recent planting weather forecast on Friday’s grain markets.

That’s all part of the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/14/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including stories on labor shortages and what kind of carbon emissions are coming from those electric vehicles. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has more warm weather today and details on when rains arrive this weekend. The corn and soybean markets were quiet Thursday. Andy Eubank has settlements and Mike Silver has market analysis - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/13/23

On the Thursday HAT Podcast: All this week during Ag Week at Purdue’s campus—it’s all about teaching students and staff about the ag industry—but also about some of the dangers involved. Eric Pfeiffer reports how Co-Alliance brought their grain bin simulator to Purdue to teach others about safety on the farm. Also, Elise Koning shares the story of two Hoosiers who came together to write a book about their lives on their farms.

Your Indiana Farm Forecast is on the way from Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin. Plus, Tom Fritz with the EFG Group breaks down the grain markets from Wednesday.

That’s all coming up—on your Thursday Hoosier Ag Today Podcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/12/23

On the Wednesday HAT Podcast: It’s Ag Week at Purdue’s campus—and Eric Pfeiffer chats with a Purdue Ag Economics student about the sharing Purdue Agriculture and the importance of the ag industry with the rest of Purdue’s students and staff.

Also, John Linville with StoneX talks about the different factors impacting nitrogen prices—and why more Indiana farmers may be using urea as their nitrogen fertilizer this spring.

Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has a look at your Indiana Farm Forecast—Plus, Arlan Suderman with StoneX takes a look at the USDA’s WASDE report and shares some of the key points from that report.

That’s all part of your Wednesday Hoosier Ag Today Podcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/11/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller have the news including a review of rural damage from recent Indiana storms and is USDA service to farmers all that it should be? HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says no major changes in the outstanding Indiana Farm Forecast, and the corn market was solid Monday. Andy Eubank has settlements and John Zanker checks in with market analysis on a USDA report day - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/10/23

On the HAT Podcast, C.J. Miller joins Andy Eubank with the news including a focus on rural road safety as planting season will soon begin with a flurry and 100 years of Farmall tractors. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says the fantastic weather continues and it should warm up even further, and the grain and oilseed markets took Good Friday off. Economist Brian Basting has a look at the upcoming week - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast for 4/8/23

The Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast—Weekend of April 8-9, 2023:

1.) C.J. Miller talks with Chuck Conner, Benton County native and President of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, about the priority of additional funding for crop insurance programs for the 2023 Farm Bill.

2.) Eric Pfeiffer reports on Huntington University’s Agbioscience Academy, which is giving high school students the chance this summer to learn more about the agbioscience industry.

3.) Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin has your Indiana Farm Forecast for the coming week.

4.) Brian Basting with Advance Trading talks about the factors that could impact the grain markets once they reopen following the long Good Friday and Easter weekend.

5.) AND Hoosier Ag Today’s Gary Truitt explains in his latest “As I See It” commentary why “we’re all in this together.”

That’s all part of the Hoosier Ag This Week Podcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/7/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller report the HAT news with stories on partisanship during farm bill negotiations and preparing your Easter ham. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin looks for 10 days of dry and beautiful spring weather, and the grain and oilseed markets sold off again Thursday. Andy Eubank has the markets, and Mike Silver has market commentary - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!


The Hoosier Ag Today Podcast for 4/6/23

On the HAT Podcast, Eric Pfeiffer and C.J. Miller report the HAT news including stories on job growth in the ag biosciences in Indiana and a new corn herbicide coming next year. HAT Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says dry but cooler weather is here for a couple of days, and the grain and oilseed markets were mostly lower Wednesday. Andy Eubank has the markets, and Tom Fritz provides the market insights - all coming up on the #HATPodcast!

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