Seven Sons Farm Interview

Tools For Today's Farmers
Blaine Hitzfield is the CEO of Seven Sons, a five-hundred acre regenerative farm he operates and cofounded with his parents and six brothers. Blaine’s entrepreneurial spirit ignited early, helping transformSeven Sons from a struggling family farm into a thriving business that serves 20,000 families annuallywith regenerative foods. Beyond Seven Sons, Blaine co-founded GrazeCart, an e-commerce platform thatempowered over 400 farms to direct-market $70 million in regenerative foods annually. In late 2023,Blaine and his partner successfully sold and exited this bootstrapped business.Blaine’s expertise in regenerative agriculture has led him to deliver keynote addresses at numerousagriculture conferences. He’s co-host of the Food-Chain-Wars Podcast, where he and his brother Brooksteach farm-to-fork brands how to scale their businesses. He also co-leads workshops on his family’s farm,sharing unique principles that have shaped Seven Sons’ success. His family farm has been written aboutand mentioned in publications such as Scientific American, The Washington Post, Women’s Health, andMidwest Living.Despite his business accomplishments, Blaine’s greatest pride lies in his family. He’s been married to hishigh school sweetheart, Charis, for 18 years, and together they homeschool their six children. His faith inJesus Christ is the foundation of his life, providing hope, strength, and redemption through everychallenge.Blaine’s story reminds us that even in the midst of life’s toughest seasons, there’s always a path toredemption and growth. He’s passionate about helping others recognize the potential for renewal inboth their businesses and their personal lives.
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Tools For Today's Farmers