Tariff Wars, November WASDE Report, & Zombie Apocalypse

What might the administration changes in the new year do for the grain industry?  To provide his insight, Aaron Bledsoe joins hosts Jeff Jarrett and Sal Sama for another episode of The High Ground powered by Premier Companies.  Aaron is the Grain Merchandiser for Premier Companies, and though he says he doesn’t have groupies, he’s certainly no stranger to the podcast!Aaron will share the updates from the November WASDE report including yield, demand, and the stocks-to-use ratio.  You’ll take a look at what’s happened in the past and how our corn is used domestically and globally and the types of events that could impact overall demand.  In addition to discussing the overall outlook for the grain industry in light of the presidential election, he’ll also show why it’s important to keep an eye on the oil prices and the correlation to corn usage.  “The market is an emotionless animal.  It doesn’t care how you feel…  We get caught up in projecting our own emotions, our own thoughts, onto a free market that only cares about the numbers or geopolitical headline news.” 


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