Seed Consultants, Inc. Releases Two New Products for Drought-Stressed Environments

Seed Consultants, Inc. is releasing two new Supreme EX ® brand Optimum® AQUAmax™ hybrids for drought-stressed environments for 2013.  Optimum AQUAmax hybrids offer growers additional choices to help minimize risk and maximize their productivity and profitability on every acre by delivering a yield advantage in water-limited environments and offering top-end yield potential under more favorable growing conditions.


According to Stuart Yensel, Director of Sales & Marketing for Seed Consultants, “Our new Optimum AQUAmax hybrids will allow our growers to become more profitable on their drought prone and variable soils. These hybrids have the potential to make unproductive ground much more profitable by providing stress protections in times of severe drought.”  Optimum AQUAmax hybrids are equipped with strong agronomics and the latest technology package. Drought tolerance is controlled by a large number of genes and heavily influenced by environmental factors (for example, heat, water stress, soil types). There is no one single solution for drought tolerance.  “Optimum AQUAmax hybrids will provide growers with built in protection against severe drought and stress across the Eastern Corn Belt’s variable soils and unique growing conditions,” said Matt Hutcheson, Associate Agronomist for Seed Consultants.


Optimum AQUAmax hybrids help growers balance productivity and profitability by implementing best management of available resources. Everything from timing of seed treatment, planting date, row spacing, plant population, planting depth, tillage practices and nutrient management are factored into Optimum AQUAmax hybrid management recommendations. This approach ensures hybrids perform well in each unique growing environment using management tools and resources available.


For more information about Supreme EX ® Optimum AQUAmax hybrids and the 2013 products available in your area, contact your nearest Seed Consultants’ seedsman or check out



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